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Attention! The DV Lottery will take place from 5 October till 3rd November of each year. Online or in our office you can apply all year around.

Just go to our website and apply GOAMERICA.MD.

Just opent and register there. Registration is FREE of charge. Is it easy for you. Just in Moldovawe have more then 4000 winners If we will do some investigation we will see that each 35-40 is winner and if wife and husband will apply, their chance are double and we can say that winner can be each 10th that applied. In any other lottery from any markets, chances are not so big like in it.


is your chance!!!

The United States is historically a country of immigrants. Every year more than 500 000 people from different countries come here to live, using special programs: for experts and scientists, actors and sportsmen, students, economical immigrants, refugees of relatives, whose aim is reunion with their families. All these people finally influence positively upon economical and social development of the USA. It is called “classical” immigration.

In 1990s Department of State adopted an additional immigration program (Diversity Visa Lottery DV). It works on the basis of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

The possibilities of this program might be used by the citizens of foreign states, which have low level of immigration to the USA (allowable limit is 50 000 people). For every country the quantity of DV must not be more than 7% of the general quantity of visas to the USA.

Do you want to participate in the program?

You can receive this immigration DV by handing in an application. To fill in the form (application) and to participate in a lottery will be absolutely free.

In 2012 only in Moldova 1300 people of 20 000 received a chance to have their own “American dream”. Every 20thperson won!

The possibility to win the lottery within the programs Green Card Lottery, Visa Lottery, DV Lottery is increasing in case both spouses register their forms. It is allowed for spouses to hand in two forms instead of one. Even the lotteries in supermarkets give you less chances to win a prize!

How does it happen?

You hand in an application and submit it for consideration. Computer arbitrarily chooses several candidates among numerous others, who meet the requirements. Every winner receives the permission for permanent residence in the USA. (Green card)

Who can participate?

Citizens of the countries which are not in the “black list”. This list is renewed every year by the Department of State. At present 18 countries can't participate in visa lottery: Brazil, Canada, China (continental part), Columbia, the Commonwealth of Dominica, El Salvador, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Poland, South Korea, Great Britain (except north Ireland) and Vietnam.

The received data is handled by the processing Consul center of the Department of State (Kentucky, the USA). After computer's choice, the members of the Center send to a winner the letter with instructions concerning the procedure of receiving American entry visa.

Just come to our site GOAMERICA.MD and fill in the form

What next?

After receiving a visa, you can enter the country, draw all the necessary documents and receive all the advantages which the residents of the USA use (social insurance, for example).

In five years, having the status of the resident, you have right to apply for the nationality of the USA.

You can apply for the nationality of the USA if you marry a citizen of the USA.

Application instructions.


71, Alexei Mateevici Street.
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
tel.: +373 22 245-361
Mon-Fri.: 10.00 - 17.00

Briefly about the program

Visa Lottery (officially called Diversity Immigration Visa Program or how we say, greencard lottery) – this is a chance to emigrate legally to the United States and for the citizens of our country. Together with a residence permit you may be able to go to America with your family, to live legally, to work and study there, enjoying all the rights that U.S. citizens ,having faculties while traveling in the European Union states and all other country from the world. Each year, more than 50 000 people immigrate to the U.S. under this program. Only we have already more than 6 000 people that immigrate to the United State through lottery program.

IMPORTANT!!! Receiving more than one application per person will disqualify the person registered, regardless of the source application. USE JUST webpage.