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Meet the luckiest people

Win a Green Card in a lottery is the easiest way to go in the United States. This will confirm every person who has the idea how to emigrate in the United States. The site GOAMERICA.MD is the easiest way to take part in a lottery.

Meet – they are the luckiest ! Win american residence in a lottery is the easiest way to go in the United States. This will confirm every person who has the idea how to emigrate in the United States The site GOAMERICA.MD is the easiest way to take part in a lottery.

In October-November of this year will be held the next lottery of the Government of the United States, where people from all over the world has the opportunity to win a residence in the USA. The U.S. government is interested in maintaining a multiethnic population and specifically to attract immigrants from different countries, they every year holds the lottery, named around the world as a Green Card. This year will be held again, and among those who register from October 5 to November 30 again will be 50 000 of the lucky who will benefit the residence.

Participation in the lottery ( official name the Diversity Immigration Visa Program) is a chance to immigrate legally to the United States, including for people in our country. Residence permit , gives the opportunity to go in the States with your family, legally live and work there, enjoying all the rights that have U.S. citizens, have a simplified visa regime for entry to the EU countries and many other countries of the world .To take part in lottery you don’t need anything only to apply the questionnaire GOAMERICA.MD . And now everything depends of luck! last year, about 1300 of our compatriots won. This year among the winners may be you! To participate in a lottery or find out more on website or by phone 022/873-999, cell 068 873-999

We present you the GreenCard lottery winners :

Cristina Sandu

I always wanted to go to America. I went in Usa on the Work&Travel program and was convinced that I love this country. Several years ago I took part in a lottery... Honestly i didn't believe that I was lucky... But apparently it's fate! I won. So lucky you can be once in a life! Collection of documents didn’t take a lot of time and the cost is inexpensive. I'm still grateful to the guys from GOAMERICA.MD- they helped me with paperwork, and job-search. We have already more than a year living in Boston, 9 months ago, I gave birth to a daughter. We are working , bought a house, traveling the world... everything is just fine! Thanks to my lucky star!

You have a chance to become neighbors!


Koltsov Sergey

My dream came true, and I flew to America... I was lucky twice - the first time when I won the Green Card, and a second when I chose right the company which helped me with the paperwork. Without errors and in time they aranged everything,i didn’t spent the extra money, and most importantly, they have helped with the main document, which are interested Embassy - contract work in America. This company has a license for job search in the United States and registration of work contracts. Thanks to this, I could prove to the Embassy that immediately on arrival, I will begin to work, and I can to mantain myself in America - and this is a mandatory condition for granting a residence permit. Anyone who faces the same problem of execution of documents. I sincerely recommend GOAMERICA.MD- is the only thing that you need to go in the States in addition to good luck:)

Try your destiny!


Diana Rusu

I'm happy! Thanks to GOAMERICA.MD I’m finally going to live there, where i dreamed!

Make a step to your dream!


Leshan Viorel

Taking part in the lottery, I won residence permit in the USA, i received the opportunity to live legally, work and study in America, travel the world without any visas. I have the same rights as the citizens of the United States, except the ability to vote, until the moment of receiving citizenship. I am pleased and I thank you GOAMERICA.MD , You are GREAT.

You can be the next big winner!!!


Dan Nicholay

I came to America with Work&Travel program through a company in Moldova , this experience I really liked and immediately after arriving home I found a company GOAMERICA.MD, which helped obtain a residence permit in the USA and importantly- LEGALLY. I currently live in USA and I am glad. Thanks to filling of the documents corectlly, I have the same rights as an American citizen. GoAmerica - I love You! . :) Good luck to all.

Try your destiny!



71, Alexei Mateevici Street.
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
tel.: +373 22 245-361
Mon-Fri.: 10.00 - 17.00

Briefly about the program

Visa Lottery (officially called Diversity Immigration Visa Program or how we say, greencard lottery) – this is a chance to emigrate legally to the United States and for the citizens of our country. Together with a residence permit you may be able to go to America with your family, to live legally, to work and study there, enjoying all the rights that U.S. citizens ,having faculties while traveling in the European Union states and all other country from the world. Each year, more than 50 000 people immigrate to the U.S. under this program. Only we have already more than 6 000 people that immigrate to the United State through lottery program.

IMPORTANT!!! Receiving more than one application per person will disqualify the person registered, regardless of the source application. USE JUST webpage.